
To promote the awareness for Positive Health and personality assessment by knowing body type (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) in students. To   develop and impart skills in application of herbal   supplements for restoring and promoting positive health. Etiology of selected disease will be studied with the help of research surveys and clinical observations in the context of basic concepts in Ayurveda.



Theory / Practical lesson
Detailed notes and easy language for common man
Can listen and practice by repeating same lessons many time.
Created by certified doctors and therapist in Yoga therapy, Ayurveda therapy and Integrative medicine.

Learning Objective:

1. To heal ourselves and our loved ones
2. To have a better understanding of disease and its management
3. To understand other methods of healing other than conventional medicine
4. Minimise the side effects and can have better quality of life.
5. Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing 
6. To understand the scientific method of using Yoga, Ayurveda and Integrative complementary medicine for better health and for better tomorrow.

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