

Philosophy topic gives you the knowledge of application of yoga in our life to become mentally and emotionally healthy. All problems
start from mind and something which can help you overcome from the hurdles of mind is non other than knowledge and wisdom. We gain it from philosophy.


Theory / Practical lesson
Detailed notes and easy language for common man
Can listen and practice by repeating same lessons many time.
Created by certified doctors and therapist in Yoga therapy, Ayurveda therapy and Integrative medicine.
Learning Objective:
1. To heal ourselves and our loved ones
2. To have a better understanding of disease and its management
3. To understand other methods of healing other than conventional medicine
4. Minimise the side effects and can have better quality of life.
5. Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing 
6. To understand the scientific method of using Yoga, Ayurveda and Integrative complementary medicine for better health and for better tomorrow.
Scriptural Definition of Yoga teaches students about the practice of Yoga that leads to the union of individual consciousness with that of the Universal Consciousness, indicating a perfect harmony between the mind and body, Man & Nature.
Yoga & Its Origin
Jnana Yoga is the intellectual path of scriptures and self-study, considered to be one of the most direct and yet challenging means of spiritual development
Bhakti Yoga is the Path of Devotion. It is one of the 4 Streams in Yoga to attain Samadhi & Moksha by practicing love towards oneself, to others, the same way you would with a divine being. It teaches about surrender, intensity of one’s
Panchakarma Therapy explores the 5 main actions in Ayurveda that are selected and performed based on the individual’s Prakruti. This topic introduces the process of Panchakarma, its benefits, and contraindications
Karma Yoga is the path of unselfish action. It teaches that a spiritual seeker should act according to dharma, without being attached to the fruits or personal consequences. Karma Yoga, states the Bhagavad Gita, purifies the mind.
UYIC108: Concept of Body, Health & Disease introduces how the Body-Mind complex balance is important for the maintenance of health & the prevention of Disease.
UYIC109: Concept of Yoga & Panchakosha introduces the 5 layers of the body & mind that are interrelated to each other in Yoga. Each layer represents the various facets of an individual from the gross to the sublet body. Each layer is needed to maintain the mind- body balance.
Unity in Diversity.
Concept of Body, Health & Disease introduces how the Body-Mind complex balance is important for the maintenance of health & the prevention of Disease.
Concept of Body, Health & Disease introduces how the Body-Mind complex balance is important for the maintenance of health & the prevention of Disease.
UPPN110: Yoga Philosophy Ethics is important to every yoga teacher and individual as it explains the concept of Patanjali’s 8 Limbs of Yoga and guides us in the yogic way.

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